Friday, December 17, 2010

Tropical Dreams & Links I ♥

Right now Kenny Chesney's All I want for Christmas is a Real Good Tan is playing in my head.
To tell you the truth, I wouldn't mind skipping the traditional 'white Christmas' for Christmas at the beach...and we almost did do it.  but electrical problems with the condo we were going to stay at is keeping us here in the snowy winter wonderland.  oh well, such is life.  I'll spend my weekend dreaming of warm tropical breezes and the calming sound of the waves as I'm out in the hustle and bustle of last minute holiday shopping and planning.  What will you be doing this weekend?

{Links I ♥}

what kind of dress do you think she'll pick?

I would wish for rain too if I had these boots

a great little gift idea for my co-workers.

inspiring quote

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!! 

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