Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy List {Hadar}

[Hadar and her adorable cat]

Today's Happy List comes from Hadar from OUTfitted and INspired.

What makes Hadar happy...

*holiday dinners with my family; the few times that we all actually sit at the table together and choke on our food from laughing so hard!
*watching TV shows on my DVR, snuggled in a blanket
*going to work every day and hearing the cute things my students say
*bargain shopping!!
*teacher supply stores
*when my boyfriend makes my coffee with just the right amount of sugar
*when my cat snuggles up next to me in bed
*finding new and inspiring blogs to follow!

Thank you so much for sharing your list Hadar!
I agree with you on the teacher supply stores. I always feel like a kid in a candy shop when I'm in one.
and of course I always love finding new and inspiring blogs!

What makes you happy?
share your list : email me {}

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