Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy List {Sarah}

 {Sarah visiting her favorite place- Italy}

What better way to start the week then with a happy little list. :)

Today's Happy List is by the lovely Sarah from Fairy Tales are True
I adore her blog and reading about her travels.  something I hope to do more of in the coming years.

What makes Sara Happy...

- the water!  i could be a fish.
- reading a book in a bubble bath until i turn into a prune
- waking up from a good nights sleep fully refreshed
-  breakfast with my girlfriends.
-  finding the perfect gift
-  italy.  everything about it makes me weak in the knees and deliriously happy.  
- a nice glass of wine
- blogs!
- starting the day with coffee and a sunrise
- a beautifully wrapped package

Thank you for sharing your list Sarah! 
your list makes me smile because so many of those things make me happy too. :)

what makes you happy?
if you'd like to share your list email me {}
what better time of the year then the holidays to reflect on what truly makes us happy?

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