Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy List {Emily}

 {Emily and her hubby during their honeymoon in Cabo}

Today's Happy list is by Emily from The Sadlows.

what makes Emily Happy... 

*my toes in the sand
*baking sweet treats (and licking the bowl)
*forehead kisses
*eggs benedict and mimosas
*playing boardgames (and winning them!)
*spooning w/ my hubby
*my uggs (i may or may not wear them year-round)
*good, deep conversations with friends
*getting a package in the mail (especially one you're not expecting)
*God's grace
*roller coasters
*oversized sweatshirts
*sour patch kids
*going to bed without having to set an alarm
*living life and loving life, every single day

Thanks for sharing your list Emily!
I love it! 
Especially the last thing on your list:
"living life and loving life" ~ something we all need to remember to do. :)

want to share your list? email me {}

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