Friday, December 31, 2010

Year in Review

"It's been a long December and there's reason to believe maybe this year will be better then the last" -Counting Crows

It'd be a lie if I said I was sad to see 2010 end.  2010 was a rough year for me. It was a year full of great loss, and my entire world was turned upside down. but because of this I learned a great deal and became a stronger person, and all the bad made the good feel so much better.  I have faith that 2011 will be a better year for me.  and I think Sarah said it best, "please know that in Gods timing he restores everything in ways so good you could not dream them up yourself."

2010 in Review

This year proved the saying "only the good die young" is true. 
First in February with the sudden death of a friend and coworker.  It was a great loss not just for her family and us who worked beside her, but also for the entire school of students.
Then in August my father passed away.  This has been by far the hardest thing I've ever had to go through, and I'm still recovering from the grief of losing a loved one. But it does help me feel better knowing these two beautiful souls are now in heaven.   

but despite the pain from the loss of two great people, some good things did happen in 2010.
One of my good college friends, Nicky, got engaged, and we were all there for the surprise birthday/engagement party. I look forward to 2011 and celebrating this marriage, as well as our friend Jamie {she's standing right behind Nicky} who's marrying her high school sweetheart Casey. 

we also welcomed a new member into the family, Jayden Alexander.  
He has been the best thing that happened to our family this year, and I look forward to watching him grow. 

so as I say goodbye to one year, I look forward to the start of a new one!
I'm not going to make any grand plans, 2010 taught me that things never go as planned. How's the saying go... 'if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans'.  In 2011 I'm just going to focus on enjoying life, all the good and the bad that comes with it. 

how was your 2010, and what do you look forward to in 2011?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy List {Hadar}

[Hadar and her adorable cat]

Today's Happy List comes from Hadar from OUTfitted and INspired.

What makes Hadar happy...

*holiday dinners with my family; the few times that we all actually sit at the table together and choke on our food from laughing so hard!
*watching TV shows on my DVR, snuggled in a blanket
*going to work every day and hearing the cute things my students say
*bargain shopping!!
*teacher supply stores
*when my boyfriend makes my coffee with just the right amount of sugar
*when my cat snuggles up next to me in bed
*finding new and inspiring blogs to follow!

Thank you so much for sharing your list Hadar!
I agree with you on the teacher supply stores. I always feel like a kid in a candy shop when I'm in one.
and of course I always love finding new and inspiring blogs!

What makes you happy?
share your list : email me {}

Strawberry Champagne Cupcakes

did any of you watch the DC cupcake girls on Oprah this week?  They shared the most fabulous recipe for Strawberry Champagne Cupcakes.   I'm most definitely going to make some of these for the next party I attend, and these goodies would be prefect to make for any New Years soiree {and there's champagne included in every part of the recipe...cupcake, icing, and champagne soaked strawberries (:}

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy List {Mallory}

Today's Happy List is by Mallory from Southern Girl in a Western World

what makes Mallory happy...

*the sweet spirits that my little brother and sister have.
*falling asleep while getting my back rubbed.
*southern boys with charm and thick accents.
*a new box of vanilla cookie candles.
*finding a bathing suit that i absolutely adore.
*football season - 'specially when auburn beats alabama.
*reading journals from years ago.
*snuggling in bed with apple cider and a good book.
*digging my toes in the sand.
*randomly hearing from old friends.
*planning how i'll decorate my future kindergarten class.
*taking super long naps.
*forehead kisses from someone i like.
*laughing until my stomach cramps and i can't breathe.
*songs with lyrics that explain exactly how i feel.
*long talks with my daddy.
*checking everything off of my to-do list.
*old songs that bring back lots of memories.

Thank you for sharing your list with us Mallory.  
I agree with so many of the things on your list, especially laughing til your stomach hurts.  
Those are some of the best kinds of laughs. :)
and I'm always a sucker for boys with accents...

want to share what makes you happy?
email me your list {}

Wordless Wednesday {happy new year}

[images via goggle and weheartit] 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I Carry Your Heart

My mom, my sister and I each had a charm made from my father's thumb print. 
I've never had a piece of jewelry, besides my claddagh ring, that I would were on a daily bases.  
I'm happy to have this keepsake and something I can wear daily.  It makes me feel a little closer to my father, and of course the e.e.cummings quote came to mind when I saw the finished charm.  

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy List {Jennie}

Today's happy list is by Jennie from Jennie Masters. 

What makes Jennie happy...

*sitting around the fire with my family
*going to sleep knowing you've achieved something that day
*the smile of a stranger when you do a good deed
*the smell of pastry as you pass a bakery
*talking to someone new and having more than you thought in common
*hanging out with just the girls
*spontaneously cooking for people
*receiving something in the post you weren't expecting
*having something to look forward too

Thanks for sharing your list Jennie!
Hope you had a lot of chances to sit around the fire with your family over the holiday. :)
 and I love the smell of fresh baked goods too!

share what makes you happy
email me your list {}

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve Sing-a-long

Every year on Christmas Eve my aunt gathers all the young kids to sing Christmas carols.  This year Izzy had her own little solo.  This isn't the best quality video, but it's cute nonetheless.  {and you can hear my cousin Stacey, Issabella's mom, being a stage mom. hehe}

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

'twas the days before Christmas


anyone who's a teacher knows that it's impossible to get anything substantial accomplished the last few days before winter break.{at least in elementary school} which is why we have parties making gingerbread houses, that went a lot smoother then I initially expected {it was a parent who put the whole thing together, and she was fabulous!}. Read stories and watch movies like How The Grinch Stole Christmas and Polar Express, and of course decorate our classroom and the halls of the school. so, as the kids bounced home in a sugar filled high excited for the arrival of Santa in a few days, us teachers are happy for some time off to relax and rejuvenate. :)