Thursday, September 16, 2010

Teal Toes

The Story of Teal Toes

Tori: Wow! New pedicure?
Carey: Yeah!

Susan: What color is that? Blue?

Carey: No, it's teal. September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and teal is the awareness color.

Judy: Gorgeous. Ovarian cancer? Isn't that what that new vaccine is for?

Carey: No, there is nothing like that for OC. In fact, it is often not diagnosed until the disease has progressed.

Tori: But I thought that is what we get a pap smear for!

Carey: Nope, there is no test for OC. The symptoms are often hard to see. They are: Bloating, Pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly, urinary symptoms (urgency or frequency).

Judy: I think a friend of mine's mother had that.  She just thought it was a tummy thing until it was too late.  Why haven't we heard more about this?

Carey: That's why I painted my toes! So people would ask!

I painted mine for Lisa.

[story via] nail polish: "Art Dealer Teal-er" by Finger Paints

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