Sunday, September 5, 2010

So Long Sweet Summer

 Hope you're all enjoying your holiday weekend and the extra days off work!  It's a weekend to take time and relax, take advantage of super sales at the mall, and reflect back on summer.  My summer hasn't been the greatest, for obvious reasons.  Vacations and trips were canceled, and I spent almost all my time by my father's side, something I would never trade.  Despite my summer not being as enjoyable as I had hoped it would be, I did try to make the best of it, and definitely learned a lot.

 What summer taught me...

...that life rarely ever goes as planned... I even think there's a saying
"If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans" the end, family is really all that matters, that includes friends who are family...'s important not to take life for granted, because everything can change in an instant...

...movies are a great escape.  I traveled to China, the coast of North Carolina,
Italy {several times}, India, Bali, Vegas, New York and Washington State {just to name a few} this summer...

...taking yourself out of your comfort zone teaches you a lot about yourself...

...that the saying is true, "things go wrong so you appreciate them when they're right"...

basically, life lessons that you hear people talk and write about, but never fully understand until you live them

so, what did summer teach you?

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