Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Musing On a Rainy Tuesday

* a warm cup of coffee is the perfect companion on a cold and drizzly day.

* Fall is slowly becoming my favorite season (sorry summer).  I'm falling in love with the cool, mild weather, and beautiful colors of nature.

* I love how everyone is decorating outside for Halloween and fall {another reason why I'm loving this season.}

* Dear spiders, I know it's getting chilly outside, but please don't come inside my house.  I really dislike killing you, but I can't stand the thought of going to bed and not knowing where you disappeared to...

* When will Lindsey Lohan finally get her act together?  It doesn't matter how many people want/ are trying to help her, she has to want to help herself first. 

* Why won't these flyaway hairs stay down?!  I've tried everything I could think of, and it works for about 5 seconds, then *ping* they pop back up again.

 * Britney Spears is on Glee tonight!  I'm so pumped.  It reminds me of the time when my friends and I did a dance to 'Baby One More Time' for our eighth grade talent show.  we learned the dance from the video, and bought schoolgirl uniforms to wear to complete the look. :)

* I truly feel blessed to have a job where I make a difference in someone's life.  after seeing previews for this, I know I'm in the right field, and that I can't help everyone (though I wish I could help all those kids), I can do my best to help the kids in my classroom.

* naps are the best.  when I told my students that adults still take naps, and that I did just the other day, my one student looked at me like I was crazy and then asked me who was home with me.  I love their sweet innocence.


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