Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy List

Today I am Happy because...

* I love being back at work!  Kids have a great way of brightening any day.

* Vampire Diaries is back tonight!!!  I can't wait for some serious eye candy.... Stefan or Damon anyone?!

* I scored a great deal on a pair of Jessica Simpson shoes.  originally $100, I paid $28!  Now I just need somewhere fabulous to wear them.

* we got the invite to my cousin's baby shower in the mail today.  I love going shopping for baby gifts!

* I found an amazing new "energy" drink, ALO AWAKEN, that's healthy and caffeine free. and it works!

* it's really starting to feel like Fall.  temps cooled drastically overnight, and I'm welcoming the change with open arms.

* it's Football Season!!

* tomorrow is Friday, and the weekend!

why are you happy?


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