Monday, September 27, 2010

Never Alone

I always find it amazing when I come across words from another blogger that are exactly what I needed to hear at that very moment.  below is a prime example:

What hard experience have you ever made through alive on your own? Think about it. The last challenging event in your life -- maybe it was a death in the family, a sports injury, a difficult course in school, a breakup. Were you alone? All of these things can be really hard and heavy. And there are so SO many other twists and turns in life that I could not possibly list them all. Life can hurt. We know this. But the other thing I know is that I have never made it through any of these experiences without the compassion of another person. I have never made it through without another being, someone outside myself, pouring love into me. The plain truth of it is, we all need somebody. From the very beginning, man was not meant to be alone. Instead, we were created to be in relationships. That yearning you have to connect to people? -- it is natural and it is good. Don't shy away from it. I think too often we fear vulnerability and we close ourselves off to the world. Be somebody's somebody. 

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