Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy List


Today I am happy because...

* it officially feels like fall!  last night's rain storm brought with it cooler air, and I'm excited to start wearing tights and boots again.

* they're starting to sell Apple Cider at the grocery store again!  

* I can now start burning Fall scented candles.  Especially my new favorite scent.

* it's finally the weekend!!  this week seemed to go by so slow.

* I can sleep in tomorrow morning. {something I do miss about summer!}

* scary movie season is almost here.  I don't know why, but I love thriller movies and getting scared!  hehe

* the Ellen show is all new again!  {my daily dose of laughter}

* the new toffee mocha latte is yummy!  have you tried it yet?

what's making you happy?  

email me your happy lists and I'll feature them here on Enjoy Yourself!

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