Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend Snapshots

The surprise party on Friday went wonderfully. Not only was my friend extremely surprised, but all us guests were surprised when her boyfriend of almost 8 years proposed to her!! It was such a happy night, and since he choose to have the party at the bowling ally {another place she'd never expect} we got to try on some awesome bowling shoes and give our bowling skills a whirl. I haven't been bowling since high school, and even though we were all so bad it made it even that much more fun!

The baby shower I attended was another spectacular event. My friend's expecting a little girl and I loved the way they decorated using one of my favorite color and green! And then of course for dessert they had my favorite, cupcakes! I couldn't get enough of the pink gerber daisy's on the tops, which just happens to be my favorite flower. :)

I ended the weekend celebrating my aunt's 60th birthday, where she had everyone over for swimming and a cookout. There's nothing like spending quality time with family. I have a large extended family, and it's difficult getting everyone together all the time, so I really savor the moments when it does happen. The kids splashed around in the pool all day into the night, and it wouldn't be a summer celebration without setting off some fireworks.

Over all it was a wonderful weekend! How was all of yours?

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