Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy Weekend! + {Links I ♥}

  As I read some of the other blogs out there by teachers, I know that most are preparing or are already back to school.  Well, in this part of the world, we don't start back until after Labor Day, so I plan on making the most of the time I have left to try and enjoy my summer {despite everything that has happened recently}.   

Tonight I'm attending a surprise party for a good friend.  Her birthday isn't actually for two weeks, so she will not be expecting this party at all!  I also plan on getting in a lot more pool time, as well as attend a baby shower for another friend at work {seems everyone is getting pregnant} and celebrating my Aunt's 60th birthday! Lots of time with family and friends - my favorite. :)

{Links I ♥}

any last minute summer trips?  follow these tips for fabulous flight gear  

The secret to success <--- read this! 

and everyone have a wonderful weekend!!

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