Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Today I am Happy


* a new school year is about to start, with new students and new possibilities
* the county fair starts this week.  I'm looking forward to fair food and enjoying my last weekend of summer.
* I found a perfect gift for a close friend, whose birthday we'll be celebrating this weekend.
* I have some of the best coworkers ever!  I feel blessed to have a job I love with people I like.
* my sister and I have been getting along great and have really bonded over the summer.
* the season finale of Make It or Break It is on tonight.
* of the New Jersey Housewives.  Did you watch last night's reunion?!  CrAzY!! 
* my friend Ashlee is about to give birth any day now.  I can't wait to welcome little Gavin into the world. :)

side-note: I've been feeling really down recently.  I'm really missing my Dad.  making this list helped me focus on the little things in my life that are bringing me happiness.  I need to focus and choose happiness right now. 


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