Sunday, August 29, 2010

This and That

Happy Sunday everyone!  Hope your weekend's been great.  
I've been tagged by the lovely Helen at In Elegance for a "This or That" tag! 

blusher or bronzer - bronzer
lip gloss or lip stick - lip gloss
eye liner or mascara - both, but if I had to choose just one, definitely mascara
foundation or concealer - foundation
neutral or colour eye shadow - neutral
pressed or loose eye shadow - pressed

brushes or sponges - brushes

opi or china glaze - opi
long or short - I like to keep mine short
acrylic or natural - natural

brights or darks - brights for summer, darks for fall and winter

perfume or body splash - perfume
lotion or body butter - lotion
body wash or soap - body wash
lush or other bath company - others {lots of others}

jeans or sweat pants - jeans
long sleeve or short - depends on the weather ;-)
dresses or skirts - dresses
stripes or plaid - stripes
flip flops or sandals - both
scarves or hats - I don't really wear much of either
studs or dangly earrings - studs
necklaces or bracelets - necklaces
heels or flats - heels
cowboy boots or riding boots - riding boots {looking forward to fall!}

jacket or hoodie - jacket {but I do love hoodies too}

curly or straight - straight {even though mine is naturally curly}
bun or ponytail - ponytail
bobby pins or butterfly clips - bobby pins
hair spray or gel - spray
long or short - long
light or dark - dark
side sweep bangs or full bangs - neither {i don't look good with bangs}

up or down - down

rain or shine - sunshine
summer or winter - summer
fall or spring - fall
chocolate or vanilla - vanilla {yum}

 so what about you?  join in on the fun and let me know!

[images via weheartit]

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