Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens.

Six rules to be happy: never hate, don't worry, live simple, expect little, give a lot & always smile :)



 "Who gets to determine when the old ends and the new begins? It’s not on the calendar, it’s not a birthday, it’s not a new year. It’s an event, big or small, something that changes us. Ideally, that gives us hope, a new way of living and looking at the world, a way of letting go of old habits, old memories. What's important is that we never stop believing we can have a new beginning, but it's also important to remember that, amid all the crap, there are a few things worth holding on to."


 New beginnings are often difficult. But almost always, they are exhilarating, challenging and rewarding opportunities for growth -- opportunities that should be pursued with gusto and with a conscious effort to savor every moment of the journey.


Happy 2011!


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