Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy List {Sara}

Today's Happy List is by Sara from Travels in Heels.

What makes Sara happy...

*Our growing Christmas traditions with family
*Traveling, traveling and more traveling
*Throwing a party and see the funn everyone has
*Family dinners on Sunday
*Beautifying my home
*A cocktail on a Friday at Happy Hour
*Country music concerts with my hubby
*Catching up on my DVR...I am a reality show junkie
*Cooking dinner for my hubby
*A trip to Target
*Snuggling with my pup
*Hipstimatic photos

This is hard...I could just keep going!

Thanks for sharing your list Sara!
I'm glad so many things make you happy :)
I love going to Target too...I spend way to much money there! hehe
and cocktails on Friday, Yes!  I definitely need one after this work week. ;-)

what makes you happy?
share your list : email me {}

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