Thursday, January 13, 2011


at 2:17 AM I officially turned 26.
I never got used to saying I was 25, and now I'm 26...
where did time go?!

25 was a year of great lessons, a year of change, 
and will always be the age I was when my father passed away.

what 25 taught me:

* it taught me what's truly important in life...
family, friends, and faith.

* that every moment spent with those you love should be cherished as you live them.

* it taught me to never ever take life for granted.

*it taught me who my *true* friends are...

the ones who are there for you, any time of the day/night, whenever you need them.
the one who brought me coffee, and sat with me at the hospice house while I waited for the inevitable,
and the one who drove over 9 hours, from two states away to be there for my father's funeral, when they easily could have used the distance as an excuse and just sent a nice card and some flowers.

my friends are family.

* and it taught me I'm stronger than I ever thought I was.  
and with the help of God and some prayer, you really can make it through anything.  

25 may not have been the year I expected it to be, but it was a year to remember {for the good and the bad}.

cheers to another birthday!  and (hopefully) a fabulous year 26!

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