Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy List {Abigail}


Today's Happy List is by Abigail from Cupcake Photography.

what makes Abigail happy...

*My shoes next to his shoes by the front door.
*Buying beautiful flowers for someone special.
*Sparkly blue nail polish.
*Listening to my pup snore.
*The smell of double fudge brownies.
*Making my bed in the morning.
*A clean home.
*Staying in for a Pajama day.
*Seeing new comments on my blog.
*Singing pop songs like they were an official Broadway song & hearing my voice crack when I hit a high note. Makes me giggle every time.
*Random tango dancing with my hubbers in the middle of our kitchen.
*Hot chocolate with the little marshmallows
*Imitating "cha cha" from Grease. (lol)
*Crackling like the wicked witch from the East, while my husband "muuuahaha's" like a vampire.
*Reading Pride & Prejudice for the 3rd time.
*Clean sheets that smell like rain.
*Feeling sand between my toes while sitting on the beach.
*Writing lyrics in my little notebook while standing in the checkout line at the groceries.
*Knowing that I don't live where killer whales migrate also make me very happy as well. (I find killer whales terrifying)

Thanks for sharing your list Abigail! 
It totally makes me smile, and I agree with so many of them!  :)

want to share what makes you happy?
email me : enjoyyourselfblog@gmail.com

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