Monday, November 22, 2010

What I learned this Weekend...

*that listening to Christmas music and seeing the stores all decorated makes shopping just a little more fun (then it already is) hehe 

*that even at the age of 25 it's still possible to have a school girl crush on someone {expect this time we're co-workers, not classmates}

*that being spontaneous and stepping out of the day-to-day routine is refreshing and almost always leads to happiness. 

*that everyone needs to read this inspirational list {39 ways to live, and not merely exists}

*that I'm totally swept up in the spirit of the holiday, and even though we usually wait until after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas, seeing the lights up on our house and on our neighbors' homes makes me even more excited for the season. 

*that I have become a workaholic.  Do I really need 3 jobs? (no)

*that sometimes good news for a friend can bring you just as much happiness as it does for them :)

what did you learn this weekend?

[image via my iphone]

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