Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy List {MJ}

Today's Happy List comes from MJ at Teaching In Heels.  I just love her blog and I've always felt a special connection with her because she's also an elementary teacher like I am. :) I just wish I lived over on the West Coast too.   
What makes MJ happy...
*Snuggling and sleeping in on cold mornings

*Crisp autumn air with leaves crunching beneath my feet

*Knee high socks sticking out of knee high boots

*Red cups at Starbucks

*Laughing with friends until your cheeks hurt and tears stream down your face

*Cut and paste notebooks filled with pretty pictures of things I love

*Finding the perfect holiday present for a friend that makes them so excited

*Choosing a wine by label and it being delish

*A sweet story of love, on a blog, tv show, real life, anywhere

Thanks for sharing your list with us MJ!
and I agree with you on almost all of these :)

{if you'd like to share you list email me -}

[image via weheartit]

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