Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy List {Ica}

Today's Happy List is by Ica from Ica Images.  
She's an amazing photographer from the DC area and you must check out her blog to see some of her wonderful photographs!  {the above image included}

what makes Ica happy...

*forehead kisses

*Random texts to my phone saying I love you

*An ice cold cup of water after a dance workout


*foot rubs after a long day at work

*finding random dollar bills in newly washed jeans :)

*the smell of clean laundry

Thank you for sharing your list Ica!  
a lot of these things make me happy too :)
{like cupcakes, and finding money in your pocket...always a happy day when that happens}

Hope you're having a happy Tuesday!  
and if you'd like to share your happy list email me!

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