Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy List :)

Things that make me happy:

* Relaxing on the weekends...I go no-stop all week, so some "me time" on the weekend is a necessity. 

*Warm coffee on cold mornings.  Old man winter is beginning to show his presence...

* That the stores are decorated for Christmas.  I'm almost tempted to started decorating my house...almost :)

* When one of my student's has that "light bulb" moment and they finally understand something that they've been struggling with.  I get so happy for them!

* Finding fabulous shoes on sale.

* Being Creative.  I'm designing and making jewelry for some friends.  I'll share once the pieces are finished. 

* seeing this face every week.  I love me some man-candy. ;)

* Jamin' out to music in the car.

*Planning dinner dates with my BFFs for tomorrow night.

What's making you happy?
email me your list {}


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