Thursday, November 18, 2010

OMG! That did not just happen!

what's been on my mind...
(in case you were wondering...) hehe

...who exactly is voting for Bristol Palin on Dancing with The Stars?  I have nothing against the girl, but she just wasn't as good as the other dancers.  come on, Brandy deserves to be in the finals way more then Bristol does.

...Eva Longoria and Tony Parker are not getting a divorce are they?!?! I thought they were so good together.  This makes me sad. :(

 ...on a happy note, I think Kate Middleton will make a wonderful princess.  and what a great love story these two have!  if only I could have met and fell in love with a prince in college, but stuff like that only happens in the movies...

...I still find it odd that Julianna Hough is dating Ryan Seacrest, just as odd as these two, and these two... it really only 1 week until Thanksgiving?!  why is time going by so fast?!  {I think I've just been so busy time is flying by w/o me even knowing it...}

so, what's been on your mind? 

[images via google]

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