Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy List {Brittany}

 [image: brittany and her son]

Today's Happy List is by Brittany from Unexpected Surprises.
I love reading her blog and stories about her cutie son.

What makes Brittany Happy...

*When my son squeezes my cheeks together and kisses me.

 *Finding the perfect shade of lipstick.

*Eating popcorn while driving around looking at Christmas lights.

*Catching your favorite song on the radio.

*Drinking wine with my mom.

*Home made bread

*BLOGGING of course :) 

Thanks for your list Brittany!  
I agree with so many of these! 
and we just put the lights up on our house this weekend,
I'm so excited for all the wonders of the holiday. :)

what makes you happy?  send me your list {enjoyyourselfblog@gmail.com}

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