Monday, May 30, 2011

Who Wants to See Hawkman the Movie? (I'm not raising my Hand)

What in the Florence Jean Castleberry is this?

I heard about it before, but I didn't think they were serious. Bleeding Cool found this bit of info about a Hawkman film.
Warner Bros. are in the process of hiring writers for a Hawkman movie, but already have their most basic of basic pitches for the film in place. All this just when we’d been asking “When will Hawkman get his movie?”
Here’s the published logline:
Part INDIANA JONES/DA VINCI CODE, part GHOST tentpole about the fictional superhero that appears in D.C. Comic books. He used archaic weaponry and large, artificial wings attached to a harness made of the Nth metal that allows flight. Most incarnations of Hawkman work closely with a partner/romantic interest named Hawkgirl or Hawkwoman in his fight against supervillains. Based on the DC comic.
Umm, okay. I'm not sure if a Hawkman movie would make money. WB should have learned their lesson from making Jonah Hex (horrid). Just make an epic Wonder Woman flick and call it a day.

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