Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Spelman College receives National props for their 1st LGBT Summit for HBCUs

Dr. Beverly Guy-Shefthall helped create the summit

The media is taking notice of Spelman College's efforts in addressing the LGBT community. Ever since their summit, more schools and students are finally getting involved with these issues on their campus.

Black Voices News reports
The Chronicle of Higher Education, National Public Radio, BET, and Color Lines News for Action are among the media outlets that wrote about the significance of the conference in dealing with gay and lesbian issues on Black college campuses.

Many observers, HBCU alumni, and fellow students commended Spelman administration as well as young panelists for leading the charge.

"Spelman College is leading HBCUs in opening up conversations about the needs and concerns of LGBT students," according to a column published in The Chronicle of Higher Education.

"These types of conversations need to take place on HBCU campuses throughout the nation," it continued. "For too long, gay and lesbian issues have been ignored at HBCUs, leaving behind a significant percentage of African-American students who are looking for support as they pursue their educations and develop their personal identities."

Dr. Beverly Guy-Shefthall, who helped spearhead the inaugural event, said she was "pleased and a little pleasantly surprised by the national coverage." She said the forum is just one of many initiatives she hopes to see in 2011.
This was a great start. HBCUs can not ignore or act slowly to LGBT issues or the students. It is a high priority for these colleges to address all students. Spelman has set the example, now let the education and development begin.

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