Thursday, October 14, 2010

Today's Musing...

would you ever go out to eat alone? 

while getting dinner with my mom yesterday I saw a girl, maybe a little older then me, sitting, eating and drinking some wine, by herself.  I know of people going to the movies alone, and I suppose I would too if it was a movie I really wanted to see and no one would see it with me, but out to eat dinner?  

to be honest, I was a little jealous.  she seemed quite content to be sitting there alone, in a fabulous restaurant with great music playing in the playground {frank sinatra-esque}. she wasn't lonely, like many would assume she would be {or at least she didn't look it}.  I'd love to have that kind of self-confidence, to be able to go to my favorite restaurant, by myself and eat alone, not caring if the other patrons thought I was some poor lonely girl, because I know I'm not. 

it takes a lot of self-confidence to be able to do something like that.

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