Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy List :)

This week I am happy because:

* It finally feels like fall. goodbye 90 degree days, hello cool autumn temps.

* Britney S. Pears!  all of you Glee fans - wasn't she awesome!  I even think some of her dance moves were better than Spears herself!

* It's October!  There are so many things I'm looking forward to this month!  

* 30 days until Halloween!! {my students have begun the countdown}

* I finally switched over my blackberry for the iphone 4...I'll never got back ;)

* my best friend is in town from DC and were going to see her brother's band play this weekend!  they were on America's Got Talent : The Strange Familiar {he's the drummer}

* 1 week until I'm reunited with my best college friends for homecoming!!

What's making you happy this week?

[image via weheartit]

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