Thursday, June 16, 2011

WATCH: Dan Choi Rips an Obama for America Flyer and throws it in the Volunteer's Face

This is Dan Choi being Dan Choi

Think Progress has the transcript
NICK TSCHIDA (Obama volunteer): I can’t say I’m for marriage equality, but as a bisexual man, I would take a bullet for both of you.

CHOI: You say you’re not for marriage equality?

TSCHIDA: I can’t, no as a….


CHOI: Did you not understand? Here! I believe that I’m an equal citizen.

TSCHIDA: I understand that, but Obama hasn’t gone officially on record for it…

CHOI: Then, don’t tell me that I’m a bad person, go tell him that he should believe in my full equality and then report back.

TSCHIDA: Civil unions?
OOOkay, it was unnecessary and foolish for Dan to do that. In fact, several folks were talking about how rude he was on Twitter. I actually missed this one, but we knew when we saw Dan this morning, he was going to do or say something to draw attention to himself.

Later, Dan had this to say to Washington Blade
“Sometimes love comes in harsh forms. I love my detractors enough to let them know when they are misguided and I only regret that we are both suffering under a second-class citizenship imposed by politicians who smile pleasantly while denying our fight for justice. The harshest treatment would be our acquiescence to the view that we do not deserve equality.”
Good Grief

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