Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Favorites

A few of my favorite things from this week:

mermaid nails via cupcakes and cashmere


Sometimes you just have to throw up your hands and trust. Trust and believe that, yes, things will work out the way they're supposed to--maybe not right away, and maybe not in the easiest way. But they'll work out.

Because only so much of it is in your hands.
And the rest of it, well--you've got to just let it go.


this adorable list of date ideas: 

 via richellepant loves

Summer Jams List via bun&borough

1) Summertime :: Kenny Chesney | If I could, I'd live in this song. It always makes me want to wear a bathing suit with cutoff jorts 24/7 and down a Yoo-Hoo chocolate milk.
2) Summer Girl :: LFO | I mean, the wacky random lyrics are stellar. Not even sure which line is the best, but probably cherry pez, cold crush, rock star boogie.
3) Boondocks :: Little Big Town | You grab a line, I'll grab a pole. I'm sooooooo excited to go fishing this weekend. Growing up, fishing at Sunapee was a huge part of our summers.
4) Friday Night :: Craig David | Is there any better day of the week than a Friday night????? No.
5) Day N Night :: Kid Cudi | Love this guy.
6) Six-Pack Summer :: Phil Vassar | Nothin' better than cold beers and drinks in the summer. You know I love a nice Corona, but I'd also kick back with Budlight Lime and Twisted Tea.
7) Summer Nights :: Rascal Flatts | Speaks to all of the small summer things to cherish this time of year. PS. Igloo coolers are a genius invention.
8) I Saw the Sign :: Ace of Base | Don't ask, just listen n' love.
9) Everyday :: Dave Matthews | DMB concerts in the summer... ahhhhhh :-)
10) Lookin' For a Good Time :: Lady Antebellum | Perfect summertime song.


Happy Weekend!! :)

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