Friday, June 3, 2011

Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center Surpasses Funding Goal

The Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center was in trouble. With funds being so low, they were in danger of being shut down. But things change, while trying to raise money to stay alive, they surpassed their goal!
Thanks to support from previous and new donors, including a matching gift from Dr. Herb Zeman, the organization has received donations amounting to $60,277 as of May 31.

“The generosity of our donors has been inspiring, and I’d like to thank each and every one of them,” says Executive Director Will Batts. “They recognize that maintaining this proud and openly LGBT agency in this Southern city is a testament to the courage, sacrifice, determination and strength of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizens of the Mid-South.”

“The importance of Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center and the work we do in this region is recognized locally, nationally and internationally,” says MGLCC Board Chair Christy Tweddle. “Our focus is now to recruit and retain Sustaining Donors, whose ten, twenty or fifty dollars a month are the lifeblood of our organization.”
 This is great, the city of Memphis and other surrounding towns need this place

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