Monday, June 13, 2011

Judge Ware: Judge Walker's sexuality is Non-Issue in the Prop. 8 case

Judge James Ware
The haters believed that Judge Walker's sexuality and relationship played a huge role in his decision over Prop 8. They forced this issue in for a hearing today, hoping to erase his ruling.

Well, that didn't work out so good for them today. The Judge overseeing his mess said that there was no evidence that Walker's sexuality tripped up the Prop 8 case.
A federal judge questioned Monday whether the judge who presided over the Proposition 8 trial had a duty to disclose his same-sex relationship if he did not intend to marry his long-term partner.

U.S. District Chief Judge James Ware said during a court hearing that there was no evidence that retired Judge Vaughn R. Walker ever wished to marry his partner, a physician.

Sponsors of Proposition 8, the 2008 ballot measure that resurrected a ban on same-sex marriage, argue that Walker’s ruling against the marriage ban should be wiped from the books because his long-term relationship created an interest in the outcome of the case.

Ware, who is African American, said the Proposition 8 case was the first to test the need for a judge’s recusal in a case in which the judge is gay. Ware noted that “the same kind of struggle” has affected female judges and jurists who are racial minorities.

“This is the first case where same-sex relationship is the subject for disqualifying a judge, so it is important that we treat it seriously and get it right,” Ware said.
The haters were stupid to do this. They are so desperate to stop gay marriage, it's getting ridic. Just let it go, we will win.


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