Thursday, June 16, 2011

In New York: No Gay Marriage Vote until Next Week?

The marriage equality vote in New York is taking a different turn. It seems that the Senate Republicans can't get the process done.

State Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos says there's still no decision on the bill to legalize gay marriage in New York that passed the Assembly on Wednesday.

He spoke as he emerged from another private GOP meeting on the issue, this time with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Republican Sen. Martin Golden of Brooklyn says the collapse of a deal to extend New York City rent control regulations late Wednesday night has complicated the gay marriage issue.
Golden says Thursday he still expects the marriage bill to get to the Senate floor for a vote, but that may not happen this week and could be Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
Hopefully, they can get this done! New York is too close for marriage equality. The Repubs need to be on the right side of history for once.


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