Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today I Believe...

* a family of birds have made their home under our front porch.
listening to them chirp is a friendly reminder of our new
and unexpected "house-guests".  

* I feel lost not having made it to the beach yet this summer.
further reason why i need to move closer to one.
* as humans, we have an uncanny way of knowing when 
something is not right with someone.  even if you haven't 
seen that person in a while. it's like a sixth sense. 
you randomly begin thinking of them and know 
you need to check to make sure they're doing ok.  
my friends have been doing this for me. 

* spotting a rainbow makes you stop and look in wonderment,
filling you with joy at any age, young and old.

* SYTYCD makes me wish I didn't stop my 
dance training after graduating high school.

* that eating fruit after stuffing your face with
ice cream or potato chips totally cancels
out the bad stuff. ;-) 

* on that note, 
it is completely acceptable to eat a meal 
consisting of only fruit, especially on a hot
summer day.

what do you believe?

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