Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer "Beach Reads"

The best books to read in the summer are what I like to call "Beach Reads".  These are books that are considered 'easy reads', where the stories are so easy to get lost in that when you finish reading you're a little sad because the journey you made with these characters is now over.  Here are my rules for choosing summer "beach reads":

1. If you can buy it used, or reserve it at the library, do so.  
It's cheaper {or free} and your helping the environment a little. 

2. no e-readers.  I like reading my books beach/pool side, 
or curling up with them inside on a rainy day.

3. It's ok to re-read a book.  It's like watching a movie for the second time, 
you pick up details you missed the first time you read it.

4. After reading the first few chapters, if you don't like the book, stop reading.  
summer books are supposed to be enjoyable, books you don't want to put down.   

5. If you can, always read the book before seeing the movie!

My Summer Reading List:

Nicholas Sparks is my go-to summer author.  His books are the perfect "beach reads", and are usually set somewhere on the coast of the Carolinas.  This is where my family usually vacations so it's easy to get lost in the words on the pages.  I'm currently reading The Last Song.  So far I really like it, and once I'm done I plan on seeing the movie.  I hope it's as good as the book!

The Last Summer (of you & me) is a book I plan on re-reading.  I first read it a few summers ago, really liked it, but have kinda forgot what happened in the story.  I'm sure it'll all come rushing back once I begin reading it again.  

The Rhythm of Life by Matthew Kelly is one of those books filled with quotes that inspire you and make you want to live a better life.  One where I'll probably be marking the pages that contain my favorite quotes. 

and of course, Eat, Pray, Love.  It's the movie everyone is talking about this summer.  I actually started reading this book back in college, but life caught up with me and I never had time to finish it.  Now's a better time than ever! {especially since I want to read the book before going to see the movie}

what's on your summer reading list?  I love getting ideas for good books to read, so please share! :)

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