Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dreaming of....Fall

I know, Crazy, right?

I am a summer girl at heart, and have made it no secret that summer is my favorite season. But for some reason I'm really craving the sights and smells of fall. Cool crisp air, jackets and beautiful colors as the leaves change on the trees.

I blame this craving on two things...the cute red trench coat I saw in the store the other day {prefect for fall weather} and my summer job. Anyone who works or has worked in retail knows fall comes early in stores. The store I work at is beginning to get it's fall items in. Yummy smelly apple and pumpkin candles, and as I browsed through the fall look book while working the other night I couldn't help but fall in love with all the new things we'll be getting in. Then my mind jumps to football season, Halloween, and scrumptious homemade apple pie.

I'm sorry summer, I don't mean to cheat on you, but today fall just sounds too good!

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