Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy List

I woke up this morning to snow covering the ground and a call telling me that all schools were closed. Usually I'd be excited about a snow day, but not today.  We've used up our allotted calamity days and now have to make up this snow day {and beside I want Spring, not more winter!}  Then I turned on my TV and saw we got the lesser of 3 evils.   Earthquakes and Tsunamis?!  I'd take the snow over those.  So to help me get through this snowy, less then perfect day... a Happy List. :)

What's been making me Happy...

* the thought of 50 degree weather in a few days... goodbye snow, hello spring!

* fresh flowers {like the daisy's above} I look forward to flowers blooming again.

* hanging out with my cousins, telling stories and laughing at all the trouble we got into as kids.

* buying tickets for summer concerts!  it's gonna be a good summer.

* goodnight texts from a special someone

* visiting friends and celebrating St. Patrick's day this weekend

*  seeing the excitement when one of my students finally learned how to tie his really is the simple things in life that bring happiness. :)

what's making you happy?

Please share your Happy Lists!  
even if you've sent one in before, there's always new things making us happy every day :)

send lists to :

p.s. Praying for all of those affected by the earthquakes and tsunamis today {especially my family and friends on the west coast}

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