Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rep. Steven Palazzo wants to protect Homophobia in the Military?

More mess from GOP in dealing with the DADT repeal. Rep. Steven Palazzo thinks it cute to protect ignorance and homophobia in servicemembers.

The Wonk Room has the key piece of the amendment:
The sincerely held religious or moral beliefs of a member of the Armed Forces that homosexual or bisexual conduct is immoral and/or an inappropriate expression of human sexuality according to the tenets of the member’s faith community shall be accommodated….
The Secretary of Defense shall issue regulations setting forth guidance to insure that the sincerely held religious or moral beliefs of members of the Armed Forces regarding homosexual or bisexual conduct are protected, accommodated
 Rep. Steven Palazzo believes that Christians will be under attack once gays and lesbians are open in the military. However, that's not the case:

In reality, the amendment is wholly unnecessary, since the Pentagon has already stipulated that “[t]here will be no changes regarding Service member exercise of religious beliefs, nor are there any changes to policies concerning the Chaplain Corps of the Military Departments and their duties. The Chaplain Corps’ First Amendment freedoms and their duty to care for all will not change.” The existing rules already protect men and women of all races, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds who live and work together but have different values, views, or ways of life with which not everyone agrees.
It's amazing what these quacks will do to stop equality.

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