Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy List

What's been making me happy:

* the above quote that I found over at BEB. I feel that it describes me oh so well...

* 4 day weekends!  I feel more of these need to be incorporated into everyone's work schedules. 

* the first warm day after a bitterly cold winter.  gives you something to look forward to and help get you through the last few weeks of winter.

* a good book that you can't put down and spend hours of your day reading.

* a fabulous new purse, that you get on sale {thank you President's Day sales}

* making a baby smile.  I don't care how silly I look while doing it, when I make my cousin's baby smile it fills me with such joy. 

so, what's making you happy?

Your Happy Lists! 
gloomy winter is coming to an end and I want to know what's making you happy?

email me your lists

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