Friday, February 25, 2011

Virtual Vacation

I was tricked.  Yes, mother nature tricked me.  I should have known better...the nice springlike weather wasn't going to last, it was just a tease.  It is still winter after all, but I am not enjoying the ice and snow that continues to fall from the sky.  This is why I'm in need of a virtual vacation.  Somewhere warm, with bright colors and festive parties.  If you could take a virtual vacation where would you go?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Words to Live by...

“Do the things you used to talk about doing but never did. Know when to let go and when to hold on tight. Stop rushing. Don't be intimidated to say it like it is. Stop apologizing all the time. Learn to say no, so your yes has some oomph. Spend time with the friends who lift you up, and cut loose the ones who bring you down. Stop giving your power away. Be more concerned with being interested than being interesting. Be old enough to appreciate your freedom, and young enough to enjoy it. Finally know who you are.” 
- Kristin Armstrong

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy List

What's been making me happy:

* the above quote that I found over at BEB. I feel that it describes me oh so well...

* 4 day weekends!  I feel more of these need to be incorporated into everyone's work schedules. 

* the first warm day after a bitterly cold winter.  gives you something to look forward to and help get you through the last few weeks of winter.

* a good book that you can't put down and spend hours of your day reading.

* a fabulous new purse, that you get on sale {thank you President's Day sales}

* making a baby smile.  I don't care how silly I look while doing it, when I make my cousin's baby smile it fills me with such joy. 

so, what's making you happy?

Your Happy Lists! 
gloomy winter is coming to an end and I want to know what's making you happy?

email me your lists

Monday, February 14, 2011

What is Love?

Every year I ask my students what they think Love is.  After the initial "eww gross!  why would you ask us that?"  they usually give me some pretty cute answers.  Here is some of what this years group said:

"When somebody loves somebody and they treat them nice." Teddy age 7

"It's when people be nice to each other, love each other and kiss." Tierra age 6

"When you love someone you give them presents." Caden age 6

"You give them hugs and kisses, and cookies." Terrik age 6

"You give someone ice cream." Emma age 6

"Valentine's." DeAyshia age 7

"If you love someone you can surprise them with chocolate and teddy bears, 
and ask them to marry you." Brianna age 7

"When you say 'I love you' and you play together." Leighanna age 6

"You love someone because you care for them." Austin age 6

"When you love someone you feed them." Andrew age 6

"Love is sharing." Les age 6

"When you see someone pretty and you ask them to be your Valentine or to marry you." Gage age 6

Happy Valentine's Day!  Hope your day is full of Love

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Heart Accessories ♥

When MJ posted that she was hosting an accessory swap I knew I had to participate!  I was paired with Hilary from Life is Coming Up Daisies.  We exchanged a few emails and then she sent me this in a package:

I had told Hilary that I've recently really gotten into wearing scarves, and she sent me a beautiful scarf, along with two necklaces and earrings.  I don't have any orange accessories, so I'm excited to add this necklace to my collection.  Thank you so much Hilary, I love everything you sent me!  and thanks again MJ for hosting this swap!  
want to see what I got Hilary?  she posted about it here :)