Tuesday, May 31, 2011
DC Comics Relaunches DC Comics?
Yes, DC Comics is doing it one more time. Back in 1986-1987, DC Comics revamped the core characters by updating their history and origins. Now it's happening again:
Starting this summer, the publisher will re-number its entire DC Universe of titles, revamping famous characters such as Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and others from its 76-year history for a more modern and diverse 21st century.The first book to be released under this new era: Justice League No. 1, out Aug. 31, a series by writer Geoff Johns and artist Jim Lee that reunites the famous lineup of Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Wonder Woman and Aquaman.Johns promises a focus on the interpersonal relationships within DC's trademark superteam. "What's the human aspect behind all these costumes?" he says. "That's what I wanted to explore."In September, more than 50 more first issues will debut, introducing readers to stories that are grounded in each character's specific legend but also reflect today's real-world themes and events. Lee spearheaded the redesign of more than 50 costumes to make characters more identifiable and accessible to comic fans new and old.
Interesting to say the least; but who knows, this could be the big thing that takes DC Comics to the edge.
Spelman College receives National props for their 1st LGBT Summit for HBCUs
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Dr. Beverly Guy-Shefthall helped create the summit |
The media is taking notice of Spelman College's efforts in addressing the LGBT community. Ever since their summit, more schools and students are finally getting involved with these issues on their campus.
Black Voices News reports
The Chronicle of Higher Education, National Public Radio, BET, and Color Lines News for Action are among the media outlets that wrote about the significance of the conference in dealing with gay and lesbian issues on Black college campuses.This was a great start. HBCUs can not ignore or act slowly to LGBT issues or the students. It is a high priority for these colleges to address all students. Spelman has set the example, now let the education and development begin.
Many observers, HBCU alumni, and fellow students commended Spelman administration as well as young panelists for leading the charge.
"Spelman College is leading HBCUs in opening up conversations about the needs and concerns of LGBT students," according to a column published in The Chronicle of Higher Education.
"These types of conversations need to take place on HBCU campuses throughout the nation," it continued. "For too long, gay and lesbian issues have been ignored at HBCUs, leaving behind a significant percentage of African-American students who are looking for support as they pursue their educations and develop their personal identities."
Dr. Beverly Guy-Shefthall, who helped spearhead the inaugural event, said she was "pleased and a little pleasantly surprised by the national coverage." She said the forum is just one of many initiatives she hopes to see in 2011.
Transgender Student wins Prom Queen

Andrew said some McFatter teens pleaded with school management not to allow her to run for queen.
“Many students have started a petition to have me removed from the ballot,” Andrew wrote last week in a Facebook message. “They also are outraged and say I am making a mockery of prom, because I am going in an evening gown.”
Last year, school officials suggested Andrew not dress as a female in class and to “tone it down,” she said.
“This year we got a new principal and she’s very supportive of me,” Andrew said, even encouraging her to run for prom queen. “She said “Stay in the running. Don’t back down for anything.’”
McFatter seniors who voted Friday night also chose a prom king: Juan Macias, a 17-year-old gay male senior.source
Before the big night, Andrew’s father, Oscar Viveros, bought her a gown, shoes and makeup.
“My parents support me. They always have,” said Andrew, the oldest of four siblings.
“I’ve always loved him unconditionally,” said Oscar Viveros, who still uses male pronouns when talking about Andrew. “I’ve told my other kids, they have to support him. He thinks he’s a girl in a man’s body. In school, he hears this and that, but I’ve made sure in our house he’s free to act and do whatever makes him comfortable.”
Ben Cohen talks about his Anti-Bullying Campaign
Gays Gaining 'Love' All over the World
According to a new study, gays are gaining acceptance globally.
The study finds that "overwhelmingly, societies have become more accepting of homosexual behavior." In the study of 31 countries, most showed an increase in favorable public opinion, with the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, and Belgium-Flanders the most accepting. Four countries -- Russia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, and Latvia -- were the only nations to show a decrease in acceptance.Go here to see and download the entire study
According to the press release, the United States showed a bimodal distribution, indicating that many people have strong opinions about gay people.
The study also shows more acceptance among younger adults, those with more education, those who attend religious services less often, and city dwellers.
The report was conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, with support of the Williams Institute.
Rev. Bernice King steps down at Bishop Eddie Long's Church
Let the fallout begin! Since Eddie "I'm gonna fight my Homosexuality" Long paid millions to hush the sex scandal, some folks are waking up.
Like MLK's daughter Bernice King
The Rev. Bernice King will announce on a radio show Tuesday that she is stepping down as an elder at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, an action apparently unrelated to Bishop Eddie Long's recent settlement of four sexual misconduct lawsuits.Eddie didn't even talk about it in church is past Sunday.
King intends to disclose her plans to radio host Rhodell Lewis on Praise 102.5, and on mypraiseatl.com between 4 and 5:30 p.m., according to an Effective Media Group news release.
King is leaving with the blessing of Long, pastor of the Lithonia Megachurch, and had been planning this move for a couple of years, according to a person with knowledge of the situation who was not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity.
Attempts to reach King, Lewis and church officials on Monday were unsuccessful.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Who Wants to See Hawkman the Movie? (I'm not raising my Hand)
What in the Florence Jean Castleberry is this?
I heard about it before, but I didn't think they were serious. Bleeding Cool found this bit of info about a Hawkman film.
Warner Bros. are in the process of hiring writers for a Hawkman movie, but already have their most basic of basic pitches for the film in place. All this just when we’d been asking “When will Hawkman get his movie?”Umm, okay. I'm not sure if a Hawkman movie would make money. WB should have learned their lesson from making Jonah Hex (horrid). Just make an epic Wonder Woman flick and call it a day.
Here’s the published logline:Part INDIANA JONES/DA VINCI CODE, part GHOST tentpole about the fictional superhero that appears in D.C. Comic books. He used archaic weaponry and large, artificial wings attached to a harness made of the Nth metal that allows flight. Most incarnations of Hawkman work closely with a partner/romantic interest named Hawkgirl or Hawkwoman in his fight against supervillains. Based on the DC comic.
Diva Moment... Lynda Carter
Back in the day, Lynda Carter ruled the TV. And she was so big that she had several TV Specials.
Here's a piece from the her first one, which I loved to death
10 Reasons Why the GOP may have Lost 2012
Let's face it, the GOP is a mess. It's like watching a broke ass circus where the animals don't obey their masters and all of the stunts go wrong. Everyday, it seems like this clown car is about to crash and if they don't see the signs, 2012 is ours.
But what are the signs? Well I have a few reasons
- They have too many clowns running for President. Seriously it's too many folks on the docket, the GOP needs to cut this list down.
- Too many of these so-called candidates are using 'I'm MIGHT be running for President' as a way to raise money... For themselves. Some of them have learned that pretending to running makes a big paycheck.
- The Tea Party has ran it course, but they continue to act as if they are truly powerful. In reality, they are not. The GOP should stop catering to them and cut the ties to these teabaggers. The country finds the Tea Party to be troublemakers and pointless. Besides, they can be pimped out by the rich peeps (Koch Brothers) to do their bidding. It's sad really, because the Tea Party can played by the very people who caused them grief in the first place. They are like new age slaves.
- GOP promised jobs, but delivered nothing.
- They have focused on social issues like stopping gay marriage when the country moves in favor of it.
- Paul Ryan's Kill Medicare plan has become a curse they can't shake.
- These faux candidates used the election to drive up ratings for their TV shows (Huckabee and Trump), making the GOP nomination a joke.
- When a pizza man, a quitter and adulterer becomes candidates, there's no hope.
- The GOP won't 'Man Up' and tell some of these candidates to 'Have a Seat'. They should know who they will support for the nomination. It would be best to move out the riff raff and get this party started.
- The labor union drama in Wisconsin revealed the GOP's true colors and caused a huge backlash. Now the working people know where they stand... And it ain't with them.
VIDEO: The Family Research Council's Greatest Hits
Such Is This Videos put together this clip of Tony Perkins, Peter Sprigg and their hate group Family Research Council putting out mess and foolishness about gays and marriage.
Please watch
The Log Cabin Republicans' Goal is to get rid of Obama
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Bob Kabel |
These fools are a double dipped mess. The LCR claim that their main goal is to oust Obama in 2012. As if any of their candidates we will be their best buddy in the next four years.
Raw Story has the scoop
Despite the fact that Obama pushed for a repeal of the controversial military policy known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and ordered the U.S. Justice Department to stop defending a key section of the Defense of Marriage Act, former LCR national board chairman Bob Kabel told Newsmax the president was "a real disappointment."Well guess what, Bob? The GOP is going head on with social issues this year. Maybe if you and your confused pals get a clue, you will realize that Obama is your best bet. Their cause just don't make sense. They want to defeat Obama so they can have a bigot in the White House?
“I, frankly, was one who really believed that perhaps we were at a moment in history where his sort of optimism and sort of self-stated ability to bring people together would actually make a difference," he said.
"But what we've seen in the execution during his administration has really been very disappointing – it's actually the opposite. He's extraordinarily partisan, he's extraordinarily liberal, he's really made very little effort, if any, to bring certainly Republicans and more conservative people together to resolve the nation's issues."
Kabel warned that the Republican Party needed to avoid social issues and instead focus on the economy if they wanted to defeat Obama in 2012.
Stop smoking crack, LCR!
WATCH: Bill O'Reilly Mocks Glenn Beck
This was really something
Sunday, May 29, 2011
NY Sen. Ruben Diaz is trying to stir up some Drama between the Gays and African-Americans
The gay marriage debate in New York is on the go and getting heated by the moment. In a passionate speech this past week, Bloomberg challenged the GOP to do the right thing about gay marriage.
Bloomberg said:
It’s fitting that the gay rights movement began in our City, because New Yorkers have always been at the forefront of movements to expand American freedoms – and guarantee American liberties. Long before our founding fathers wisely decided to separate church from state, leading citizens of our City petitioned their colonial rulers for religious freedom. Long before Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, many New Yorkers – including the founder of this college, Peter Cooper – crusaded against slavery. Long before the nation adopted the 19th Amendment, New Yorkers helped lead the movement for women’s suffrage. And long before the Civil Rights Act of 1964, New Yorkers played a pivotal role in advancing a color-blind society.
Ruben came out with this mess:
There is no just comparison between America’s struggle to overcome the evils of slavery and the promotion of the lifestyle of homosexuality. It is preposterous for Mayor Bloomberg to degrade and minimize the plight of African-Americans in this civil rights struggle by equating it with the effort to push to legalize homosexual marriage.Cute Ruben, way to take something and overrun it into the ground. Yes, our paths may be different, but the journey towards civil and equal rights are the same. It is "preposterous" of him to ignore that fact and try to fool people about this issue. Ruben's actions are creating discord and unnecessary foolishness over nothing. How dare he calls himself a preacher when all he is doing is causing a dangerous divide between minority groups.
Black leaders should not allow Mayor Bloomberg or anyone else trivialize their suffering and their history!
That's not what a man of God should be doing, Ruben.
Interesting Quote: Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
"It's way past time to allow the thousands of children in foster care the opportunity to live in safe and nurturing families who are eager to adopt them. There are strict guidelines to ensure that the placement of these children will be regulated and that the parents will provide the protective guidance and structure that the children need. My home state of Florida had discriminatory laws in place that were preventing caring parents from adoption. This Federal bill is a step in the right direction so that the proper match between responsible parent and needy child can take place regardless of the parent's sexual orientation."She the first Republican supporter same-sex couples becoming adoptive or foster parents.
WATCH: An Anti-Gay Marriage Rally in Illinois
Just in time for IML, a group protest gay marriage and civil unions in Chicago yesterday. Also there is a brief story and debate about the Catholic Church's silly stance against the civil unions law.
Moose Mess' Former Aide, Frank Bailey: 'She Would Be an Absolute Disaster as President'
This ain't a secret. Everybody knows this
Dan Choi Arrested and Beaten at a Gay Pride event in Moscow
Dan Choi and 19 other activists were beaten and arrested during a gay pride parade in Moscow by police and a group of Neo-Nazis?
Yes, this is a true story, in fact, check out some videos of the attack.
Go here for a rundown of the entire incident
Question of the Day: Doctor Who Edition
Doctor Who's 'The Almost People' was a shock! Did you see that coming? Please share what you thought about the episode.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Debbie Harry American singer-songwriter and actress images & info
Deborah Ann "Debbie" Harry (born July 1, 1945) is an American singer-songwriter and actress, best known for being the lead singer of the punk rock and new wave band Blondie. She has also had success as a solo artist, and in the mid-1990s she performed and recorded as part of The Jazz Passengers. Her acting career spans over thirty film roles and numerous television appearances.
Harry is the daughter of Catherine and Richard Harry, gift shop proprietors in Hawthorne, New Jersey, who adopted her at the age of three months, in Miami, Florida. She attended Hawthorne High School, where she graduated in 1963. She graduated from Centenary College in Hackettstown, New Jersey, with an Associate of Arts degree in 1965. Before starting her singing career she moved to New York City in the late 1960s and worked as a secretary at BBC Radio's office there for one year. Later, she was a waitress at Max's Kansas City, and worked in a Dunkin' Donuts shop, after which she was a dancer in Union City, New Jersey, and a Playboy Bunny.
She began her musical career in the late '60s with a folk rock group, The Wind in the Willows. who recorded one album for Capitol Records. Harry then joined a girl-group trio, The Stilettos, in the early 1970s. The Stilettos' backup band included her eventual boyfriend and Blondie guitarist, Chris Stein. Harry and Stein formed the band Blondie in the mid-1970s, naming it for the term of address men often yelled at Harry from passing cars. Blondie quickly became regulars at Max's Kansas City and CBGB in New York City. After a debut album in 1976, commercial success followed in the late 1970s to the early 1980s, first in Australia and Europe, then in the United States.While leading Blondie, Harry and Stein became life as well as musical partners, although they never married; Harry has no children. In the mid-1980s, she took a few years off to nurse Stein back to health after he suffered a life-threatening disease. Stein and Harry broke up in the 1990s, but they have continued to work together. In 1999, she was called the 12th greatest woman of rock and roll by VH1's 100 Greatest Women of Rock & Roll and in 2002, she was called the 18th sexiest artist of all time by VH1's 100 Sexiest Artists. Harry resides in Red Bank, New Jersey, and in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City.
Harry is the daughter of Catherine and Richard Harry, gift shop proprietors in Hawthorne, New Jersey, who adopted her at the age of three months, in Miami, Florida. She attended Hawthorne High School, where she graduated in 1963. She graduated from Centenary College in Hackettstown, New Jersey, with an Associate of Arts degree in 1965. Before starting her singing career she moved to New York City in the late 1960s and worked as a secretary at BBC Radio's office there for one year. Later, she was a waitress at Max's Kansas City, and worked in a Dunkin' Donuts shop, after which she was a dancer in Union City, New Jersey, and a Playboy Bunny.
She began her musical career in the late '60s with a folk rock group, The Wind in the Willows. who recorded one album for Capitol Records. Harry then joined a girl-group trio, The Stilettos, in the early 1970s. The Stilettos' backup band included her eventual boyfriend and Blondie guitarist, Chris Stein. Harry and Stein formed the band Blondie in the mid-1970s, naming it for the term of address men often yelled at Harry from passing cars. Blondie quickly became regulars at Max's Kansas City and CBGB in New York City. After a debut album in 1976, commercial success followed in the late 1970s to the early 1980s, first in Australia and Europe, then in the United States.While leading Blondie, Harry and Stein became life as well as musical partners, although they never married; Harry has no children. In the mid-1980s, she took a few years off to nurse Stein back to health after he suffered a life-threatening disease. Stein and Harry broke up in the 1990s, but they have continued to work together. In 1999, she was called the 12th greatest woman of rock and roll by VH1's 100 Greatest Women of Rock & Roll and in 2002, she was called the 18th sexiest artist of all time by VH1's 100 Sexiest Artists. Harry resides in Red Bank, New Jersey, and in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City.
Summer Fun
borrowed this from Bun & Borough
love this list!
I'd have to add weekend bonfires and listening to summer tunes loud in the car to mine :)
what would be on your list?
Yes, there will be Man on Man Action in the New Torchwood
Many of us gay geeks feared that the new Torchwood would "straighten up" our Captain Jack. Well don't worry, there will be some gay sexual action happening for sure.
EW has the scoop:
According to the show’s cast and showrunner, the new series doesn’t hold back. “I knew they would be true to the show and not change drastically,” says star John Barrowman. “If it was watered down, I wouldn’t have done it. For those people who are our stanch fans, it’s going to have the heart and soul of Torchwood which we’ve always had, plus the energy and excitement of a show that’s bigger and better.”I knew Starz wouldn't disappoint, have you seen 'Spartacus'?
As for his character’s love life, Barrowman says Capt. Jack “gets to have full-on boy-sex a couple of times. On those days going to work I’d wake up and Scott my partner would say, ‘What are you filming today?’ And I’d say, ‘Oh it’s going to be a tough day, I get to have sex with a 24 year old.’”
Gil Scott-Heron Passed Away
This legend has passed on. Gil was one of the voices during the Black movement of the 70s, giving us classics like "Pieces Of A Man" and "Winter In America". Who could forget the poem and song “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”. It is still used and spoken in lounges, classrooms and poetry slams to this day.
Gil has left us with so much. He will be missed.
So Geeks Want to Know why We didn't see Tom Welling as Superman
The end of Smallville left many folks bitter. They were hoping to see Tom fly away in the super suit, but it didn't happen.
Now one of the executive producers, Brian Peterson sheds so light about it with THR
Now one of the executive producers, Brian Peterson sheds so light about it with THR
“What we wanted to do all along was show hints at where he was going because that is a whole different story that is yet to be told,” Peterson told THR. “It felt like it gave just enough without starting to tell a whole different story that is left for all the other media.’Okay, I get it. But how about y'all... Did you want to see him as Superman?
Peterson, who penned Part 2 of the finale with Souders, noted that the series has always been about Clark becoming the hero from the famed mythos and that the adventures of Superman were stories that have been -- and will continue to be told -- via other avenues, including Christopher Nolan’s upcoming Man of Steel, set for next year. “[Showing Tom in the full suit] to me is just not super relevant and not what we were trying to do,” he said.
“We were actually thrilled that everybody came together and was on board with the shots that we specifically picked,” he added.
“We all wanted it to be the end of Clark Kent’s journey because it’s a show about Clark Kent,” he said. “In the days when we saw him in a flannel shirt, the suit was the furthest thing from his mind.
In Georgia: State Rep. Rashad Taylor Comes Out
After vicious emails were sent out to attack State Rep. Rashad Taylor on sexual misconduct, he comes out to clear the air of these rumors.
Here's the scoop.
The man who sent emails to dozens of lawmakers accusing a southwest Atlanta legislator of sexual misconduct now admits he has no proof.
Jermaine Callahan confirmed he wrote the email accusing State Rep. Rashad Taylor, D-southwest Atlanta, of trading state funds and lobbyist gifts for sexual favors from men. But, Callahan later admitted he had no direct evidence of the misconduct and was only repeating secondhand stories.
The email did prompt Taylor to hold a news conference confirming he is gay.
"I am a gay man," said Taylor. "This is not the way I wanted to come out, but I feel lucky for all the support from those who are closest to me."
Taylor said Callahan was his boyfriend's former partner and may have had an ulterior motive for sending the emails.
"The gentleman who wrote the email was the former partner of the person I'm now seeing," said Taylor. "He hoped he would humiliate and embarrass me by sending this email."
I'm glad Rashad came out, honestly I wish he did it earlier, but he's out now. However, I'm totally upset at the bitchiness of Jermaine Callahan. This behavior is unacceptable and damaging to our community. You should be ashamed of yourself. This ain't Dynasty and you ain't Alexis.
Grow up, Jermaine! Grow up!
People think 25% of folks are Gay
So people think that 1 out of 4 peeps are gay? For real? I guess so.
A new Gallup poll indicates that the average American believes that a quarter of the population is gay or lesbian. Additionally, 35% of those polled think the figure is even higher.There is more info here as well. I still think this is a little crazy.
Participants were asked, "Just your best guess, what percent of Americans today would you say are gay or lesbian?" Only 4% of respondents say less than 5% of Americans are gay. Gallup asked the same question in 2002, with average estimates that 21% of men were gay and 22% of women.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Sufferin' Succotash! Moose Mess has a Tour Bus and She's Pissing Folks Off
WATCH: Rep. Mike Turner Slams Extremist Bills in Tennessee
It's good and bad to have my home state in spotlight, but it's great to have folks like Mike to speak out the foolishness down there.
Do Gay Men Talk Funny? Research Says So
In an interesting study, gay men actually speak differently from straight men. I mean in someways we do, not many straight guys sound like Harvey Fierstein. But this study goes in detail about how we pronounce words and stuff.
A new study from Ohio State University psychologists reports that the average person can, more often than not, tell the difference between gay and straight male speakers. The secret, they report, is in the vowels. Seven gay men and seven straight men were asked to record monosyllabic words for the researchers. The recordings were then played back for subjects of the study, who responded with whether they thought the speaker was gay or straight after hearing the first letter sound of the word, the first two letter sounds, and the entire word.
It wasn’t until the first two-letter sounds, which generally included a vowel, that the subjects’ guessing accuracy soared. The listeners chose the correct orientation 75 percent of the time.
Erik C. Tracy of Ohio State, lead author of the study, said:Again, it's interesting. Check out the rest of the article and study.I’m not sure what exactly the listeners are responding to in the vowel. Other researchers have done various acoustic analyses to understand why gay and heterosexual men produce vowels differently. Whatever this difference is, it seems that listeners are using it to make this sexual orientation decision. … We believe that listeners are using the acoustic information contained in vowels to make this sexual orientation decision.
Interesting Quote: Joe Solmonese
There can be no doubt that President Barack Obama has improved the lives of LGBT Americans more than any president in history. As with any movement for sweeping social change, our opponents have put up roadblocks along the way, but the president has been an unwavering ally who has delivered on promises both great and small. Much more remains to be done, which is why ensuring that President Obama is able to continue the forward momentum toward equality for another term must be a top priority of our community.
WATCH: Emma Frost in X-Men: First Class
VIDEO: FRC's Peter Sprigg "Gay Activists Distrust African Americans"
Want List: Superman The Movie Figure
OMG! This is so cool! Look at this figure! It's so life like and wonderful.
This is made by Hot Toys and it's guaranteed to sell out! So I have to have it!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Bishop Eddie Long Settles Out of Court
Yes, the guilty must pay and pay he did. Bishop Eddie Long has settled his sex scandal case out of court.
B.J. Bernstein, the attorney representing the men, said in a statement that the lawsuits against Long and his church have “been resolved.”To be honest, I hate that he didn't go to court for this. I believe he is guilty and he took advantage of those boys. I hope his church members wake up and see the liar and charlatan he really is.
Bernstein's two-paragraph statement said that neither she nor the accusers would talk about the lawsuits “now or in the future.”
Art Franklin, a Long spokesman, said Thursday that the pastor settled because it “is the most reasonable road for everyone to travel.”
“This decision was made to bring closure to this matter and to allow us to move forward with the plans God has for this ministry,” Franklin said in a statement. Long is an internationally known televangelist who crusaded against gay marriage, and the lawsuits against him drew national attention.
The settlement comes eight months after Long, the senior pastor of New Birth Missionary Church in Lithonia, Georgia, said from the pulpit of his 25,000 member megachurch that he vowed to fight the accusations against him, with the congregation cheering in response.
New Promos: True Blood season 4 - Show your True Colors
TVLine.com's Michael Ausiello on the Wonder Woman Pilot
Michael Ausiello, founder and writer for TVLine.com, tweeted this statement about the Wonder Woman pilot.
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