Monday, June 27, 2011
VIDEO: Chris Christie: I Wouldn't Sign A Marriage Equality Bill
Frak you, Chris!
A4A, Grindr, Bear 411... Let's Upgrade these Sites
Grindr, Scruff, Adam 4 Adam are just a few of the 50 gazillion sites where gays can meet (hook up).
But I don't think they get to the heart of the matter. S,o I have some suggestions to upgrade these sites.
But I don't think they get to the heart of the matter. S,o I have some suggestions to upgrade these sites.
- Guys can't post just cock and butt pics. It has to be full body (with face) pics. Don't hide, if you want to do the 'booty booty' you should be completely upfront about it.
- Take the out the FRIENDS option. Let's be real, who is actually looking for 'friends' on Scruff?
- There should be a minute clip of you in action. Meaning, you should be required to post a minute clip of you giving oral, dancing, having sex and whatnot. I think it would be nice to see what you are getting and if it's worth it. I think about it, you can see if they have the skills or not. Think about the time and drama you can save.
- Only up-to-date pics. You can not post pics from 1998 in 2011, claiming that's how you look now.
- There should be a chart that shows everyone who you've hooked up with. Then, you would know if your ex, friend or uncle have slept with your possible f**k buddy.
- Location... True Location.
- Only OUT gays. No closeted or married men allowed.
Let the Cultural Wars Begin! NOM attacks New York
Still bitter about their lost, NOM has started their attack toward the senators who supported gay marriage. Brian Brown put out this mess over the weekend.
Last night we were sold out by the Republican Party in New York. Shortly before 10:30 last night, the New York Senate voted 33 to 29 in favor of same-sex marriage. Four Republicans – Jim Alesi, Roy McDonald, Steve Saland, and Mark Grisanti provided the margin of passage.
But this fight is far from over. In response to last night's vote, I have doubled our pledge to New York, committing at least $2 million dollars to make sure that New York Republicans understand that voting for gay marriage has consequences.Don't they sound like super villains? Anywho, NOM is asking for $50, $100 to a $1000 dollars to... Well... Raise money for themselves. It's highly unlikely they can get this overturned. So why are they raising money? They hope to get those Repubs out of office. Well, good luck with that.
Marriage isn't a partisan issue – in fact, the hero of the past month has been Democratic Senator Ruben Diaz, a courageous friend who has withstood threats, bigotry and hatred while working tirelessly to protect and defend marriage. NOM pledges to stand with Senator Diaz and any Democrat who would share his courage in standing for marriage.
But the responsibility today rests squarely with the Republican Party. The Republican Party has torn up its contract with the voters who trusted them. When Democrats are in control, they regularly refuse to permit a vote on a marriage amendment. When they are in the minority, they may even leave the state to prevent a vote when their base disapproves. And yet tonight, the Republican Party has sold out, and it is the Republican Party that will pay the worst price for this vote to redefine marriage.
gay marriage,
New York,
The National Organization for Marriage
Question of the Day: True Blood Edition
A year and a half death, King Bill, and Eric (swoon). Well gang, what did you think of the season premier of TB?
Sunday, June 26, 2011
New Pic: DC Comics' Justice League (Relaunch Version)
Left panel, top to bottom: Deadman, Atom, Elemental Woman, & “a” Firestorm.Yes, Zealot from WildC.A.T.s
Right panel, top to bottom: Green Arrow, Hawkman, a mystery woman and Mera. The mystery woman is being speculated to be Black Canary by DCWKA or Power Girl or Wildstorm’s Zealot by Rich Johnson.
5 People were Shot near San Francisco's Gay Pride Festivities
Lighting struck twice in San Francisco. Five people were shot in near the Gay Pride events.
Here's more:
Police spokesman Lt. Troy Dangerfield says a gunman fired shortly after 6 p.m. Saturday night near Market Street and Sixth Street. Two people were hit in the torso and are being treated for serious injuries at a hospital. Three others are being treated for minor injuries.Later, the cops found a suspect, but they are not sure if there were more than one shooter.
The shooting was a few blocks from the city's Gay Pride festivities at the Civic Center, which had just ended for the day. There was no immediate word on whether the incident had any connection to the festival.
It seems that San Fran's Pride is beset by shootings. Last year, a gang member shot into a crowd of people during Pink Saturday. I have to wonder, what's really going on in San Fran?
Saturday, June 25, 2011
NOM's Brian Brown Threatens NY GOP for supporting Marriage Equality
After their huge defeat in New York, NOM's president Brian Brown vows vengeance against the GOP senators who supported gay marriage.
See here in their press release:
The National Organization for Marriage’s (NOM<>) president, Brian Brown doubled his previous pledge, promising to commit "at least $2 million" in elections in 2012 to make sure Republicans understand that voting for gay marriage has consequences:“The Republican party has torn up its contract with the voters who trusted them in order to facilitate Andrew Cuomo’s bid to be president of the U.S. Selling out your principles to get elected is wrong. Selling out your principles to get the other guy elected is just plain dumb.Gay marriage has consequences for the next generation, for parents, and for religious people, institutions and small business owners. Politicians who campaign one way on marriage, and then vote the other, need to understand: betraying and misleading voters has consequences, too. We are not giving up, we will continue to fight to protect marriage in New York, as we are actively doing in New Hampshire and Iowa.”NOM’s pledge to commit at least $2 million in the 2012 elections to hold politicians accountable for their vote includes independent expenditures as well as through NOM PAC New York.
These haters are ridic. 2 million dollars? They could actually do some real 'Christian' work with that money like: feeding the homeless, helping schools stay afloat or send kids who can't afford college to school. But no, they want to keep the legacy of hate alive. Bastards!
For Your Pleasure... Joe Manganiello's Werewolf Workout
Okay, I need a handkerchief and fan.
WATCH: The NY Gay Marriage Saga
Brought to you by Anderson Cooper
DC Comics! What are you doing for Wonder Woman's 70th Birthday?
What in the Hell is going on? Wonder Woman just turned 70 this year and what is DC Comics doing about this?
So far, I've seen nothing. Nothing, from DC but this damn reboot and Green Lantern (which is considered a FAIL). They tried to make a series but that failed, they gave her a broke ass costume change and they continue to downplay her power in the DC Universe.
Great Hera, where is the love for Wonder Woman?
Where are the celebrations, the items, some type of comic collector editions... Where? Come on, DC Comics, you could release special figures, statues, artwork, Lynda Carter's cape... Something!
This is a real disappointment, for real! She is one of the big 3, show her some respect!
So far, I've seen nothing. Nothing, from DC but this damn reboot and Green Lantern (which is considered a FAIL). They tried to make a series but that failed, they gave her a broke ass costume change and they continue to downplay her power in the DC Universe.
Great Hera, where is the love for Wonder Woman?
Where are the celebrations, the items, some type of comic collector editions... Where? Come on, DC Comics, you could release special figures, statues, artwork, Lynda Carter's cape... Something!
This is a real disappointment, for real! She is one of the big 3, show her some respect!
Milka Duno
Friday, June 24, 2011
New York Has Marriage Equality!
WATCH: The Gay Marriage Vote in NY LIVE
If it happens tonight, you can watch it here
Watch live streaming video from nysenate at
VIDEO: Wonder Woman vs Goons from the Wonder Woman TV Pilot
It's short, but cute. Check it out.
LGBT Netroots Nation: It Gets Better
During Netroots Nation, Ian from One Angry Queer decided that we should make an IGB video. So he organized most of the LGBT writers and bloggers to participate in the project.
It was a great experience and I'm so proud of Ian and Carlos for putting this all together. So enjoy
Names and Twitter accounts, in order of appearance:
- Markos Moulitsas @markos – straight ally
- Pam Spaulding @pam_spaulding
- Scott Wooledge @Clarknt67
- Tom Torres @_floatingworld
- Evan Haliburton @evanhaliburton
- Viktor Kerney @wondermann5
- Mark Snyder @ColageNational
- Jason Haas @jasonlhaas
- Zack Ford @zackford
- Andy Szekeres @AndySzekeres
- Cynthia Wright @cynisright
- Noah Baron @noahbbaron
- Joe Sudbay @JoeSudbay
- Phil Reese @ReallyPhilReese
- Christopher Edwards @xtopher1974
- Daniel Villarreal @hispanicpanic79
- Alvin McEwen @holybullies
- Carlos A. Quiroz @CarlosQC
- Jake Weinraub @jakeweinraub
- Mel England @melengland
- Scottie Thomaston @indiemcemopants
- John Aravosis @aravosis
- Michael Rogers @MichaelRogersDC
- Ian Finkenbinder @OneAngryQueer
Today, On the 'NY Gay Marriage Vote'...
![]() |
Majority Leader Dean Skelos |
From the NY Times
Frustrations flared in the Capitol on Friday as Democratic lawmakers and gay rights advocates suggested that the Republicans in the State Senate were deliberately delaying a vote on whether to legalize same-sex marriage in New York.So today, maybe? We will see.
It was a marked change of tone from proponents of gay marriage, and it seemed to indicate that their collaborative relationship with the Republicans, in whose hands the fate of the measure rests, had begun to fray.
“It’s outrageous,” said State Senator Liz Krueger, a Manhattan Democrat. “We were sent home last night without really any explanation.”
But Thomas W. Libous, the Senate Republican deputy majority leader, said that negotiations were on track and that he expected votes on most issues early Friday afternoon. Asked whether gay marriage could be voted on Friday, Mr. Libous said yes.
“Nobody wants to stay here tomorrow,” he said.
Friday Favorites
A few of my favorite things from this week:
Favorite Quote via a diary of little things & curiosities
mermaid nails via cupcakes and cashmere
Sometimes you just have to throw up your hands and trust. Trust and believe that, yes, things will work out the way they're supposed to--maybe not right away, and maybe not in the easiest way. But they'll work out.
Because only so much of it is in your hands.
And the rest of it, well--you've got to just let it go.
Favorite Quote via a diary of little things & curiosities
this adorable list of date ideas:
via richellepant loves
Summer Jams List via bun&borough
this adorable list of date ideas:
via richellepant loves
Summer Jams List via bun&borough
1) Summertime :: Kenny Chesney | If I could, I'd live in this song. It always makes me want to wear a bathing suit with cutoff jorts 24/7 and down a Yoo-Hoo chocolate milk.
2) Summer Girl :: LFO | I mean, the wacky random lyrics are stellar. Not even sure which line is the best, but probably cherry pez, cold crush, rock star boogie.
3) Boondocks :: Little Big Town | You grab a line, I'll grab a pole. I'm sooooooo excited to go fishing this weekend. Growing up, fishing at Sunapee was a huge part of our summers.
4) Friday Night :: Craig David | Is there any better day of the week than a Friday night????? No.
5) Day N Night :: Kid Cudi | Love this guy.
6) Six-Pack Summer :: Phil Vassar | Nothin' better than cold beers and drinks in the summer. You know I love a nice Corona, but I'd also kick back with Budlight Lime and Twisted Tea.
7) Summer Nights :: Rascal Flatts | Speaks to all of the small summer things to cherish this time of year. PS. Igloo coolers are a genius invention.
8) I Saw the Sign :: Ace of Base | Don't ask, just listen n' love.
9) Everyday :: Dave Matthews | DMB concerts in the summer... ahhhhhh :-)
10) Lookin' For a Good Time :: Lady Antebellum | Perfect summertime song.
2) Summer Girl :: LFO | I mean, the wacky random lyrics are stellar. Not even sure which line is the best, but probably cherry pez, cold crush, rock star boogie.
3) Boondocks :: Little Big Town | You grab a line, I'll grab a pole. I'm sooooooo excited to go fishing this weekend. Growing up, fishing at Sunapee was a huge part of our summers.
4) Friday Night :: Craig David | Is there any better day of the week than a Friday night????? No.
5) Day N Night :: Kid Cudi | Love this guy.
6) Six-Pack Summer :: Phil Vassar | Nothin' better than cold beers and drinks in the summer. You know I love a nice Corona, but I'd also kick back with Budlight Lime and Twisted Tea.
7) Summer Nights :: Rascal Flatts | Speaks to all of the small summer things to cherish this time of year. PS. Igloo coolers are a genius invention.
8) I Saw the Sign :: Ace of Base | Don't ask, just listen n' love.
9) Everyday :: Dave Matthews | DMB concerts in the summer... ahhhhhh :-)
10) Lookin' For a Good Time :: Lady Antebellum | Perfect summertime song.
Happy Weekend!! :)
WATCH: Rachel Maddow discuss the NY Gay Marriage Drama
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I found this video via C.W.F.H.L. and immediately posted it on my sister's facebook wall. She's one of those people who feels she invincible to things like skin cancer, and thinks she can layout by the pool wearing no sunscreen, and lets not even mention the tanning bed. It bugs me so much, and I'm always hounding her to wear sunscreen, even buy it for her and making sure she puts it on (she's 20...). Hopefully this video will get it's message across to her (and please pass it along to anyone you may know who's like my sister!)
3 Different True Blood Covers for EW
VIDEO: David Tyree doesn't want his Kids to think Homosexuality is Normal
He said it, see here
Buju Banton Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison
Well, anti-gay reggae singer Buju was given 10 years in prison for his cocaine charge.
Rolling Stone reports:
Dozens of letters to U.S. District Judge James S. Moody are included in the court file for the 37-year-old recording artist, whose given name is Mark Myrie. Several of his 15 children wrote, as did a former Jamaican government official, an NBA player, other reggae artists and actor Danny Glover, who called Banton a "role model, philanthropist and spiritual leader in the community."Hope he doesn't sing none of those anti-gay songs while he's there.
"Your honor, Mark Myrie is not a drug dealer," Glover wrote. "Society would not benefit from his incarceration."
Banton's attorney, David Markus, says federal sentencing guidelines call for a prison term of at least 15 years. In a court filing, Markus told Moody that is "way more than necessary" in Banton's case.
The judge did throw out a gun charge, lowering Banton's sentence from 15 years to 10. He was also ordered to serve five years of probation following his release from prison.
Interesting Quote: Michele Bachmann
This president has failed the Hispanic community. He has failed the African-American community. He has failed us all when it comes to jobs. The status quo certainly isn't working for the African-American community, with 16 percent unemployment, or the Hispanic community, with nearly 12 percent unemployment. It's even worse for the youth: For Hispanic youth right now, 26 percent unemployment; for African-American youth, 40 percent unemployment.I didn't know she cared about the communities of color. That's news to me, honey.
What is Pottermore?
J. K. Rowling has a something new coming up. It's called Pottermore and everything around it has been hush, hush.
But what is it? A book, a movie and cartoon? Well, let J.K. tell you
But what is it? A book, a movie and cartoon? Well, let J.K. tell you
Marvel Studios will NOT have a panel at Comic-Con
Comic Con received some interesting news or maybe a set back. Marvel Studios will NOT bring anything to Hall H (the big ballroom), making it the fourth movie studio to sit out of Hall H this year.
Hero Complex reports:
“Go big or stay home,” is how one Marvel insider put it, and that logic is seemingly embraced by rival Warner Bros. with “Man of Steel,” the 2012 feature-film revival of Superman that is conspicuously absent (at least at this point) from the Hall H program. “The Dark Knight Rises,” Warner’s follow-up to its billion-dollar Batman film in 2009, is also M.I.A., but Gotham City filmmaker Christopher Nolan has never set foot in Hall H so this latest absence may add to his mystique, but it won’t shock anyone.This is not a total loss; they will be present at Comic Con, but the details are unknown.
The sci-fi epic “John Carter” is also a notable absentee in Hall H, but Disney is holding it back for a very specific reason — it will be a centerpiece (along with “The Lone Ranger“) at August’s D23 Expo, the Anaheim event that is being constructed as a Disney-dedicated rival convention.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Fernando Alonso

The HRC lashes out on Chris Brown for his Gay Slur
Let's be honest, Chris Brown SUX! And in his latest act of foolishness, Chris used a gay slur when talking about N**GAS. See here
Classic, Chris.
Now, the HRC has responded to this mess:
Classic, Chris.
Now, the HRC has responded to this mess:
A rep for the HRC tells us, "Invoking words meant to demean gay Americans is just plain unacceptable. Chris Brown should know better."So far, there's no response from Chris' team.
The rep adds, "He irresponsibly neglected to recognize the impact of his words and the unacceptable message that it sends to couple the word gay with negative actions."
X-Men Comic: Generation Hope #9 will address Gay Teen Suicide
X-Men writer Kieron Gillen and artist Jamie McKelvie, will be collaborating on a story about gay teen suicides in, Generation Hope #9 (A X-Men Comic).
Kieron talks about the story on iFanboy:
It was directly inspired by the conversation around the very public gay suicide stories. It doesn't get much more sensitive."The issue will be out on July 20th
"When the stories [about gay teen suicide] started to break, the first place I heard about it was actually from Fraction. We'd just passed the baton, and he said "If I was still writing the X-Men...". I read the news and could only agree.
It's not the type of story that fits in any other major superhero book. It's simply not what those books are about. But the X-Men? X-Men is a book about mutants, used as a metaphor about prejudice. And of the X-Men books, Generation Hope is fundamentally about new mutants trying to survive dealing with the fact they're mutants. With the metaphor in place, you can not just do a story about it - I dare say you should tell a story about it. In a real way, it's the sort of story Generation Hope exists to tell. If we can't tell this story and tell it as well as we can, the book may as well not exist."
Could the NY Gay Marriage Vote happen in a few Hours?
The NY gay marriage could happen today. On Sunday, I received word from a lobbyist in New York that today could be the day. Maybe they are right? Here's more:
State legislative leaders said Wednesday afternoon there are no major obstacles to a vote on whether to legalize gay marriage.Fingers Crossed.
Democrats and Republicans emerged from meetings with Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and said there is progress toward proposed additional religious protections that could bring a gay marriage bill to the Senate floor for a vote as early as Wednesday night. No deal had been struck as of Wednesday afternoon.
More protection for religious organizations such as adoption agencies and marriage counselors is sought by undecided Republican senators who are key to the vote.
Currently, the Senate appears to be one vote shy of making New York the sixth state where gay marriage is legal. It's viewed as a critical moment in the national gay rights movement.
The 'Ultimate Spider-Man' Dies
A hero will fall. Marvel's alternative universe will lose a major player... Spider Man.
The lights are going out for Peter Parker, the high school student bitten by a radioactive spider whose wall-crawling and web-slinging antics have made him a touchstone of Marvel Comics' universe of heroes and villains.Will he stay dead? Marvel says yes, but we will see.
The publisher said Tuesday that Parker's alter ego, Spider-Man, will finally succumb to one of his most pernicious foes in the final issue of "Ultimate Comics Spider-Man" due out Wednesday.
Fans of Spider-Man need not worry much, though, because the Ultimates imprint is separate from Marvel's bigger universe. Whatever fate may befall Ultimate Spider-Man won't count in the pages of the other series, including Amazing Spider-Man.
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